How To Turn Social Media Content Into A Sales Machine!

The end goal is always to make sales, right? Email marketing, content marketing, text messages, and social media marketing among others are some of the best ways to convert leads! Today we are going to share all the “tea” on social media marketing and how to turn social media content into a sales machine. 

The social media space is now saturated with ads as more and more businesses are adopting social media marketing. This is where things get tricky, remember the saying, ‘it's called social media for a reason?’ ~This simply translates to creating trust, building a loyal community, and sharing your values with like-minded people not bombarding them with how good your product or service is. But how do you achieve this on social media, let’s jump into the tea now!

Research Your Audience

You can’t sell to people you don’t know! The first thing to do is to research who you want to sell to. This helps you create content that speaks to your audience and aligns with their values. When doing research, focus on segmenting your audience based on the top three reasons influencing their decision-making rather than their socio-demographics. While carrying out your research answer the following questions: 

  • How will your product or service change your customer’s life after using it -   Point B

  • What fears might prevent your customers from buying your product and how can you help them overcome them? - Objection Handling

  • What’s your unique selling point - how are your products distinguished from the competitors, which would make it easier for the customer to choose you? - Unique Selling Point

  • How do you plan on assuring your customers that your products have less risk and risks can be reversed? - Risk Reversal  

Knowing the answers to these questions gives you a great start to developing your social media marketing strategy.

Craft Your Content Selling Strategy

To win in this “saturated market” you need to do what many are not doing! Instead of only focusing on informing, entertaining, and edu-taining, you need to create a formula for creating social media content that responds to call-of-action and converts to loyal customers. How do you achieve this, according to Roman Kumar Vyas, you need to include a combination of 3 triggers in your text and some of the best combinations are:

 • Point B + USP.

• Objection handling + point B.

• Objection handling + USP.

• Risk reversal + USP.

• Risk reversal + point B.

These triggers combined with social proof or success stories will set you apart in your social media content marketing strategy.

Be Creative With Your Content

Remember, the art of storytelling, well if you are a marketer in the current space of social media you know the importance of storytelling and how it helps evoke emotion. Put in the effort, and you will see a shift in the way people engage with your promotional content. Instead of just talking about how good your product or service is, why not include the customer and their pain points in your story and how they can become a hero after using your product? By including their pain points in your storytelling they feel heard and want to know more about how you can take away their pain!

Who said brands can’t joke around? In case you didn’t know, humor makes sales, without making the audience feel like they are being sold to. This is something you need to strive for as a marketer to break through the noise. Just make sure to use humor appropriately as it can also cause harm when used inappropriately. 

Don’t forget to through in some metaphors and references to keep the text light and sweet. Find something your audiences are related to, that can help you break the ice, and have your audience lower their guard. 

Analyze And Adjust

After making those killer posts and posting them, the next important step is to analyze what's working and what's not. Be a pro at collecting and interpreting data! Find the top key metrics to monitor for example Conversion rates and Engagement rate. Take note of the messaging on the post with high conversion rates and engagement ask yourself these questions:

  1. What were the triggers?

  2. How did customers respond to the triggers

  3. What was the call to action?

With this data in mind inform your next set of content, and maximize on implementing what worked in the previous posts, by doing so you are giving customers what they want and selling to them at the same time. Marketers isn’t this what we are aiming for?


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