How To Market To GenZ On Social Media Like A Pro

“Please don’t market to us” read that in GenZ’s voice! GenZ have changed the narrative, and if your target audience is them you need to learn how to market to them the right way. How do you do this, follow along in this article as we unpack all the nitty grits of GenZ marketing.

Who Are The GenZ 

Well, Gen Z is a generation that comes after the millennials, they were born between 1997- 2013. Why is it important to learn how to market to this group? Number 1, they are soon to be the largest group of consumers in the market. 2, it's a group known to hold brands accountable, from authenticity to ethical standards. 3, This group is considered the natives of the digital era, see why you need to know how to present your products or services to them?

5 Social Media Marketing Tips For GenZ

For generations, marketers were used to pushing what they want and how they want to consumers, but with the rise of the internet, the world is now a close circle and people share knowledge. This can be done through reviews and social media. People have also evolved in the way they buy, most people especially the GenZ do not trust brands rather they would listen to someone who has used the product or service first before making a purchase. Here is how to market and earn GenZ’s trust.

1. Stop Trying To Sell

GenZ knows when they are being sold to, instead start creating content that is of high value to your target market. Something worth probing for more, this poses you as an industry expert and helps you build a community. You need to understand that Gen Z is very comfortable with researching before buying from a brand. When you meet them here with informative content on how they can solve their pain points and how your product can be a solution chances of making a sale increase. By building a community first, you attract like-minded persons who find value in your product or service such that when you introduce a product to them, they understand its true value.

2. Humanize Your Brand

Gone are the days when brands could get away with anything! Today’s market dictates that brands show their human side! You can achieve this by making humor a part of your content strategy. Who doesn’t need a laugh at the end of the day, it’s called social for a reason. Make use of the comment section, how do you engage with relevant content in your industry take Macdonalds for example, they know how to converse with the GenZ in the comment section by use of humor.

3. Equip Your Socal Care Support

Let us let you in on this secret in case you didn't know, GenZ will call you out on social media and the news travels fast. Having your social care support team equipped with full knowledge of your product or services will help with immediate responses to their questions about your product or service. Did you know 41% of Gen Z audiences would choose a brand that delivers timely, responsive customer care over a competitor? Leverage this knowledge and put a differentiating factor to your brand.

4. Know Where Your Audience Is At

Remember we said the GenZ are true digital natives? What this means is they don’t just hang around any platform and if a platform is not enforcing their beliefs and values chances of them abandoning the platform are very high. What does this mean, it means you need to study the platforms where they hang around and invest in those platforms. Growing a community on social media especially for brands is not easy. Usually, these platforms promote more authentic content, that is not so polished and shows reality. TikTok is one great platform where the GenZ hangs around.

5. Have Meaningful Beliefs And Values

The world is changing in so many areas, does your brand have a stand in becoming a solution? How are you aligning the values of your brand to the changes of the world? Remember Patagonia the clothing brand, their values have contributed to a community with the same values and belief systems and they established themselves with the GenZ market.

If you are thinking of expanding your target audience, to the GenZ market, try implementing these tips in your marketing. This does not mean overnight success, it means with consistency and adaptation you can get a share in the Gen Z market. Which tip stood out for you?


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