5 Ways To Identify Customers Painpoints And What To Do About Them

Do you remember the saying customer is King? Well, let us take this time to remind you this “customer is King!” Yes, you have a great product or service, but are you taking some time to hear from your customers about how they feel about using your product, and what challenges they are facing while buying, and using your product? Today we are going to help you with ways to identify customers' pain points and what to do about them! Follow along:

What Is Customer PainPoint?

Let’s start by defining what customer pain points mean. These are problems customers or prospects experience along their journey with your brand. Customer pain points if not dealt with may negatively affect brand credibility and force consumers to settle for other brands that take away their pain!

How To Identify Customer’s Pain Points:

1. Understand the Different Types of Pain Points

In order to identify pain points your customers are facing you need to understand the type of pain they are experiencing. There are four types of pain and these include: 

  • Process pain point - how businesses interact with customers. When a customer lodges a complaint, how long does it take you to respond? Do you refer them to the correct department where they might get help right away?

  • Support pain points - Many customers today, begin their buying journey with some research. Does your brand offer support to prospects and customers when they make inquiries about your products or services? Are you available on customer's preferred channels of communication?

  • Productivity pain point - Time is an important factor for both you and your customers. Does your brand give customers a more streamlined experience in order to reduce friction in the buying process? Does your product or service bring convenience to your customers?

  • Financial pain point - Is your product valuable enough for customers to want to continue purchasing without feeling a financial burden? 

2. Conduct Qualitative Market Research

One great way to conduct qualitative market research is by learning about your customer's journey. You need to map out your customer’s journey and by doing so you get to understand every touch point your customers have with your business and how you can improve their experience. This also helps you understand what happens after customers purchase your product or service.

3. Put Yourself in The Customer’s Shoes

As someone selling a product or service chances of being biased towards your goods and services are much higher. This is why it is equally important to be the customer and try interacting with your brand from that perspective. In the process document:

  • The challenges you faced in your journey.

  • The unexpected outcomes in your journey

  • What you can improve at every touch point

4. Audit Your Channels

With the rapid change in technology, communication channels are becoming more simplified and that means the chances of your customers getting in touch with your brand have increased. Is your brand available on your customer’s preferred channels and if so do you respond to queries in a timely manner, is your support team ready to assist? Does your support team have full knowledge of your product or services? What are people saying about your product on social media, how can you improve? Also, listen to what customers are saying about similar brands and whether they have similar problems with your brand.

5. Ask The Customers

Credible brands take time to understand their customer's experience with their brand. You can achieve this by conducting marketing research, surveys, or polls. Another way to hear from your customers is by taking advantage of live chats and reviews.

After making the effort to understand your customer’s pain points, the next thing to do is fix whatever problem your clients are facing. Aim for a seamless process at every touch point and enjoy the results of higher ROI.  Which tips helped you the most?


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