Content Marketing And Social Media Marketing - When to use What?

Quick question, what’s your go-to podcast or blog?

Why did you choose those specific ones? These two are great examples of content marketing in today's world!  Now for social media, we all have our go-to platforms, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter and today we are going to unpack the benefits of using each and when to use what.


One great way to show your expertise is through content marketing. This is the process of publishing written or visual materials online to attract more leads to your business. Content marketing can be in the form of blog posts, podcasts, webinars, ebooks, videos, or social media posts! 

This type of content usually educates your audience about the types of products or services you provide. It can help boost conversions whilst helping you build relations with your customers. You can use content marketing to educate your customers on how to use your products or services. Content marketing can also help you build a community of loyal customers which is something we all want as brands right?

Now there are several types of content marketing and these include; Online content marketing, social media content marketing, podcast content marketing, video content marketing, blog content marketing, and infographics content marketing! If you happen to be a good writer invest more in blogs, if you are good an eloquent speaker then invest more in podcasts, but when resources are permitting you can integrate these types of marketing depending on your target audience.

3 Tips To Nail Your Content Marketing

Provide Value

Because brands are fighting for the spotlight, for your brand to sift through the noise and address your ideal client you need to learn to provide value beyond your product or service. Ask yourself what's the common ground that unites your target audience with regard to your products or services. If you’re in the hair care business write content that helps your ideal clients achieve their hair goals eg how to reduce hair frizzes or how to know your hair porosity! Only mention your products and services where it makes sense.

Know Your Buyers Journey

Now comes the next step, Know your customer's buyers' journey! Consumers are now good researchers before they buy a product or service they start with some research. Here is where you meet them in the awareness stage and answer their pain points. From there, the customer goes into the consideration phase where they compare the solutions being provided and your content must prove your solution to be the best. Then lastly the decision-making stage, where they pick their chosen provider. At all these three stages your content must address your prospect's pain point and how you can solve it.

Stay Consistent

Even if you write 10 - 20 blog posts your brand voice, tone, and image must remain the same! Your readers must be able to tell your brand even when we remove your name from your content. Before publishing your content establish writing styles and brand guidelines for consistency. 

Keep in mind the goal of content marketing is to grow your brand awareness while encouraging conversions by showing that you’re an expert in your line of business. Establishing your reputation encourages customers to visit your website for further content, and you can retain them and inform them while selling your products or services.


With social media marketing, it's all about how well your brand can connect with your customers and your target audience in a meaningful way. Brands that are doing well on social media know how to connect, interact, and obtain data from these platforms.

Social media marketing, unlike traditional marketing, is more of presenting your brand socially and less salesy to the target audience. With social media marketing, you get the chance to humanize your brand while bringing out your authentic version. This will, in turn, increase brand awareness, brand recognition, improve customer services and position your brand. So much to benefit from social media marketing right?

There are a number of social media platforms currently available which include Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Tiktok and more. A quick instinct is to be on all of these platforms to target everyone, but everyone is not your ideal customer. You need to find which platforms your audience spends most of their time on, in order to optimize your efforts for a better ROI. 

3 Important Facts To Sharpen Your Social Media Marketing Efforts!

Social Listening

Brands doing well on social media know how and when to listen on social media! They establish what people are saying about their brand whether good or bad. This helps them improve the way craft they their content, and how they engage with their audience! With social listening, you can determine your audience's perception of your brand to your competitors and pick up pain points that are not being addressed.

Community Engangement

Thanks to social media, consumers can directly like, comment, praise a brand, make inquiries, and customer services on social platforms. This makes community engagement an important part of a good social media strategy. Take an hour to respond to comments, appreciate your fans, and respond to their inquiries. Use social media tools to help with comment management so you stay on top!

Social Media Reporting And ROI

After all, has been said and done, what data can you collect from your social media marketing efforts? Good social media marketers know how to report their findings and connect how the brand is making money from social media efforts. There are so many social media managing tools to help you collect data for your reports. They say show don’t tell, how the brand is getting ROI from social media efforts. 

When To Use What?

Content marketing and social media marketing can both benefit a brand in more ways than one! It is wise to implement both marketing strategies for better ROI. Think of content marketing as what you present to potential customers, and social media as where you interact with them.

Alright marketers, we have exhausted all is to know about content marketing and social media marketing. How do you plan on using these strategies for your brand?


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