5 Truths No Fluff About Social Media Marketing

Let’s start with some quick truth, we are all influenced by marketing! This is why you choose Apple products whenever you buy a gadget, and luxury brands are a must-have lol! As marketers social media is a “Must” in our marketing efforts, so here are some 5 truths about social media marketing you should know! 

5 Truths About Social Media Marketing

1. There Is No Overnight Success

Social media marketing in 2015 is way different from social media marketing now in 2023! So many platforms have emerged and many brands are competing for attention, this means it’s no longer just about posting but having a strategy that you implement consistently over time to start seeing results! You need to consider factors such as branding, sales cycle, and seasonality for your brand to perform well on social media. Successful brands on social media know how to commit to a social media strategy with consistency and adaptability! Keep in mind no overnight success.

2. You Can Sell Without Being Salesy

Traditional marketing is used to shove products in people's faces, but with social media marketing the goal is to build a community organically of people who love your products or services. This is where you create connections and relationships that may lead to brand loyalty. With social media marketing, customers may not buy right away, but you have a  chance to create brand awareness and sales may come at any time from leads obtained from.

3. Social Media Marketing Works!

You could be wondering why your social media efforts are not bringing ROI! Well, let us break this to you, “Not everyone who uses social media knows how to bring ROI!” This is why social media marketing is a profession! With platforms changing frequently you need someone dedicated to learning and adapting quickly to this space. Social media marketing does not mean just posting, you need to determine who you are talking to where there are at, what time are they most active, and which platforms. In short, you need an effective social media marketing strategy that works as your guide for it to work. Pair this with consistency and adaptability you are off to a great start in your social media efforts.

4. Social Media Marketing Is An Investment

You can post for free on these social media platforms but the strategy, content, and community management come at a cost. Now with cost, this does not only mean money but time as well. If going the organic route you need to factor in the time to strategize, make content, and report. You can choose to do this yourself, hire expert employees, or outsource from agencies in the field for a better ROI. For a successful social implementation, you need to have a budget set aside.

5. Your Customers And Your Competitors Are on Social Media

Whether you like to hear this or not your customers and competitors are on social media. Your competitors can take advantage of your absence on these platforms and out-compete you. Millennials and GenZ are on social media looking for the best products and services and showing up every time creates awareness of your brand's existence. Quick tip, “don't just be on social media for the sake of being on social media, make your presence felt, find a common ground of what your target audience likes, and build a community of loyal customers.

Alright fellow social media marketers these truths should help you with how to navigate your social media efforts and bring positive ROI to your business. Which truth helped you the most?




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