What are hooks and how can they help your reel's performance?

Well, at this point you probably already know this: Instagram reels are here to stay! So now is the BEST time to start making reels if you haven’t already. But… how to make your reel stand out to your audience?

Using hooks can help you achieve that!

An Instagram hook is something that captures the attention of your audience, sparks interest, and gets them to engage.

And remember: Instagram measures the time people spend looking at your content as well as the interactions. So you want people to stick around, but because they scroll through hundreds of videos per day, you need something to hook people in.

The hook can be something you do, say, or write on the screen. Structure your videos so it begins with the hook because people need to know within a couple of seconds if a video is interesting enough for them to spend more time watching the whole thing.


Here are some more hooks you can use:

  • Top 3 reasons you should___

  • 5 things to avoid

  • Watch until the end

  • Is it just me or...

  • Here's a secret…

  • Steal this strategy for

  • Here's a quick tip for

  • 3 mistakes we all make...

  • If you're a ____ keep watching

  • Idk who needs to hear this but

  • Calling all _____ [home buyers/dog lovers/coffee enthusiasts/etc.]!

  • You’ll never believe what I’m about to confess.

  • Have you ever wondered how I ____

  • True or false: ____ [There’s not enough time in the day/You can never have too many colorful pens in your desk/drawer/etc.]

  • Okay, I can’t believe I’m about to admit this: ____ [I’m a total homebody/I have the sweetest sweet tooth/etc.]

  • Can I ask you a juicy question?

  • This might get awkward: Can you blame me for ____ [loving salt and vinegar chips almost more than life itself/being a crazy cat lady/etc.]?

  • Guess what I just ____ [realized after months of research/learned at X event/bought to save time in my business/etc.]?

  • Let me save you time sharing what I learned about ____ [the Pomodoro Technique/using an app to schedule Instagram posts/etc.]

  • Ooooh, look at this ____[life/job/business] hack that I want to share with you.

  • Rise and shine, ____ [dreamers/brides/mamas/etc.]!

  • Want to hear how ____ [my work week typically flows/I love to start my workday/etc.]?

There you go! Use all these ideas to capture your audience and make your Instagram grow while reaching your niche! If you have any questions, put them in the comments below! We'd love to hear from you!


Reels Tips: How to film flawless transitions