The Viral Recipe

The world of social media is pretty noisy today but you only need 7 seconds to make an impression - and the first 2 seconds to catch someone’s attention. What makes a post go viral? For some, it’s a dash of luck but as all good marketers do, we’ve read the data. Want the secret recipe? Read on.

So, what makes a post considered viral, anyway? Generally, posts with 100,000+ likes or views and 1,000+ comments are considered to be viral. However, the term 'viral' is subjective and can mean different things to different brands. For example, you might consider a post to go viral if it crosses 10,000 views.

In short, a viral video is a video spread by users who share and like it, thus increasing its number of views and making it reach viewers outside the original target audience group. Due to the fact that sharing is a key element of creating viral content, it’s mainly encountered within the world of social media.

How far can a viral video go in terms of social media reach?

When you manage to make your video go viral, there are really no limits as to how many people can actually watch it. A sensible assumption would be that the potential audience could even consist of as many people as there are users of a particular platform. This is, of course, only a theoretical scenario, but still, it’s not exactly accurate because viral posts and videos tend to travel between different social media platforms. Once a video becomes popular on TikTok or Facebook, it’s only a matter of time before it makes its way to YouTube and Instagram as well.

Done right viral marketing has the power to increase brand awareness, increase audience growth, and increase sales! So what’s the secret recipe to a viral post? 


Well, first a viral post is shared organically, and your audience determines whether your content is sharable. Most often than not say the right things at the right time. Pay attention to emotion, and be as creative as possible, don't just settle for neutral grounds.

Timely posts

We hate to break it to you but trends come and go! Keep in mind so many trends are being created on a daily bases. Hoping on every trend is surely a recipe for disaster. Determine whether the trend is appropriate for your brand. Also being an early adopter of appropriate trends comes with greater visibility.

Be a good storyteller

Who hates a great story anyway? People connect to great stories that evoke an emotional response. Sometimes if not often outside-the-box creativity is what makes viral posts. Instead of staying in the neutral zone play with the fire a bit! You go viral by grabbing the public's attention.


Do the people you are trying to address feel heard or seen? People engage with content that makes them feel seen or heard. Instead of a robotic post, sprinkle in some humor and humanize your content!

Easy to Digest

Viral content is clear and precise, which makes it easy to share and engage with. Attention spans are becoming shorter, you need to put across your point in a way that’s fun and engaging without losing your audience's attention!

If you have made it this far, you should be on your way to making some viral posts! On a side note keep in mind viral posts are part of your overall growth strategy. This should not be your overall goal, but once in a while add a pinch of viral content to your content strategy! Till we meet again, cheerios!


Get trendy and sell on TikTok


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